Friday, March 30, 2007


I haven't been home since Tuesday.
And right now I'm in Concordia University
Waiting for Mandy to finish her mid-term
then were heading out for this pride thing.
Where your suppose to be silent for all those
afraid to come out of the closet.
And exactly at 3pm everyone will talk.
Whoo. ^_^

Tonight should be fun,
A night with a bunch of lesbians
In a girl named benny's house.
With Mandy.
And they'll all be drinking
Except me and Mandy.
It think if I was talking to Will or
Kelsey, they'd say:
"Time for a sexy party? :D "
I suppose.

Ich Liebe Dich

Monday, March 26, 2007


[ Insert fast beating heart here ]

mdma is amazing.
I loves it.
K is okay.
But not really my thing.
Friday was AMAZING.
And now I'm happy, without the influence of drugs or anything.
Actually happy.
For real.
I haven't been happy since May.
Almost a year.
It feels good.
Life is pretty good.
Saturday was fun too.
And Sunday was okay.
And Monday was happy.
I hope it's warm and sunny again tomorrow.
That would be lovely.

Friday, March 23, 2007


My mouth doesn't hurt too much anymore.
Strange what 20 minutes will do.
And swishing spit
I'm really strange....
I've come to the conclusion
That I have no respect
for my father figure.

The End


I hope Rob can get out to go to Mandy's party.
It's going to be awesome.
I can't wait.
Urrg, the left side of my mouth hurts
at the back
Like it kinda does when your sick
but it just randomly happened
within the past half hour
and I wish it would stop.
It's making me feel gitchy.
Anyways, yesh..

Liquid Paper.

Never, ever, ever
Snort Valium.


All is going well now.
I am relatively calm and content,
And thats always a nice change.
I'm glad that we were able to talk and stuff
Everyone has there bad day, so don't worry about it.
My mom can't be right about Kylian though
Can't be.
but if she is...
Ahh, no worries though.
Things will turn out in the end.
For better or for worse.
Off to watch Thirteen again.
Love that movie.

Te Amo

Thursday, March 22, 2007


I'm not a manipulative person.
I can be, like everyone else;
But I'm not going to manipulate you.
I mean, what for?
I don't have a reason to, and even if I did
I wouldn't.
You know why?
Because I care about you.
And I don't hurt people I care about.
At least I try not to.
But nobody's perfect.
I'm sorry.
Please learn to trust me.
I promise you won't regret it.
I'll be everything and anything you need
If you let me.
I'll even save you
If you let me.

Ich Liebe Dich.

Brain Goo.

Ich bin wieder allein,
Wie ich immer gewesen bin..

Her mind began to lose c o n n e c t i o n with her body.
The machine is limited, a computer r e p e a t s a p r o c e s s.
Sparkling lights, empty sockets draped over endless coils of optic fiber.
Thunderous silence in percussionist waves,
Deafing me, blasting through me with destructive purity.

I looked into the blackness.... something existed, hidden from us all.
I looked into the blackness.... something existed, hidden from us all.

Death was the ancient beast.
We knew its hunger since the first day.


I hate being bipolar.
I hate everything about it.
So much.
So basically it's once again almost 4am,
And i'm sitting here on the computer instead of sleeping
Eating peanut butter.
and contemplating things.
I'll probably end up being home schooled,
Since life right now is being a bitch..
And I'm pretty wound up right now.
My parents are being totally full of themselves.
It's annoying.
My dad decided he wanted to come back;
I wish things could be simpler.
But ahh, if things were simpler
We'd have no problems in life
and without problems we have no growth
and without our growth our world really would totally fall apart
Because hell knows that all that
this fucking world and it's fellow people
haven't screwed up yet.


I feel really ghetto posting here.
And slightly awkward since I use Live Journal.
I'll probably just use this place as a place to post things
For people that want to read about me or whatever.
So nothing too personal.
That will be for my livejournal.

Just ask for it.

Pce peeps.