Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So I was watching this video, where apparently chickens become more passive while watching TV.

It's really silly, haha. And sort of has a funny ending bit.

Plus I learned that The gelatin you eat in Jell-O comes from the collagen in cow or pig bones, hooves, and connective tissues.

Which is really fricken icky.
I don't think I'll be eating Jell-O again for a while.

Friday, September 18, 2009

First train home - Imogen heap

I've been listening to Imogen Heap a lot more recently.
It's really soothing, and soothing is definitely what I need currently in my life.
It seems like finding a job is being a fruitless search.. But I'm still looking..
And I'm currently feeling rather heart-broken..
-sigh- Sometimes making the right decision is hard.

Maybe one day things will be different.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Claustrophobic thinking.

So I moved out, and honestly I feel shitty-er now more than ever.
I really shouldn't be feeling crappy, but I am.
I'm stressed to the max, and I feel so hollow.
Things weren't suppose to be this way. I was suppose to be happy..
I'm really honestly trying to keep up a happy mood, but I feel so..hopeless now.
It's completely backwards. I just don't understand it.

I'm just so tired, and have no strength.
I need to sleep and look for another job later today.
And do this crap all again,

Maybe I'll feel different when I wake up.