Friday, June 22, 2007

oo ee ooo ah ah, ting tang, wala wala bing bang.

Soo, I have 2 things to say, first off;
I miss my Naia.

Naiobe Dousen.
Wednesday February 14, 1990 - Thursday March 17, 2005.

Now, I could go on about this lady here, for hours,
but honestly, all I feel like writing right now is:
I miss you soo much, not a day goes by that your not on my mind.

Now secondly,
That they make nexopia blogs, CONSTANTLY about me,
Angry nexopia blogs mind you, when I have done NOTHING
In recent events to them. Obsessive?
You tell me.
And it's getting really annoying, reading them all the time.
I'm considering removing them, just so I don't see them anymore.
But I won't because this person is still a friend.
A really annoying one, but still is.
Now, I didn't post this in my nexopia blog mostly because unlike them,
I DON'T want everyone to read it, so only the few that actually stumble upon this,
Will ever know it exists.
And why did I put it into a blog?
Because it bothers me that they won't choose to either
a) Fuck off just not be a friend, and leave me alone, completely.
b) Just stop making random blogs about shit that happened a while ago.
So maybe they'll read this, and just stop posting shit,
more than likely make another nexopia blog, and bitch that I wrote this.
And be a freaking immature dork face.
If you STILL have a problem with me, deal with it.
Or don't and leave me alone.

Onto other news.
I'm going to hang out wiff a pweety girlie today probably.
And I must make plans to get to places for tomorrow.
I'm excited, this weekend, if all goes well, will rock!
And then most of this week hopefully then :D :D
I'm stoked.
So basically Ray is going to drop off the face of the earth
starting Sunday, till around Wednesday or Thursday.
Peace out E-town, I'm leave yew for a while.

This blog ranter thingy is too long.

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