Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Whispers in the dreamscape.

I am a fucking imaginative person.
And I do not like a certain persons headstrong logic.
It pisses me off that you can't let shit go.
Fucking leave it alone, instead of being a stubborn asshole.

This is chaotic.
My life is in an utter spontaneous uncontrolled spiral downwards,
And the one person, who's suppose to make me feel better,
Is hurting me.
The other person, who means so much to me,
Doesn't even understand me.
It's frustrating, dealing with this, alone.
And some may say, "You are never alone."
Fuck that.
Everyone who I've tried to get help from, has let me down.
And don't fucking say you haven't because, you have.
Though it may only be because you have yet to have realized how unhappy I've become.
How isolated I've been keeping myself, and many of you think it's one big fucking joke.
Well it's not.
I need some support.
Something that I can brace my mind on.
I don't even have family to do that with.
I don't have friends I can fully rely on.
I'm in a dysfunctional battlefield. Waging a war against myself now.
Theres too much making me wonder, if I'll be alright in the end of this.
If I can be the same person, when every thing's said and done.

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