Monday, April 28, 2008

Free fall; a glimpse of sanity.

What the fuck is up with everyone and harassing me about Ashley?
Can't anyone just leave it alone, instead of making it THEY'RE problem?
Clearly not. I mean, it doesn't effect you directly, why bother?
I understand that you people are friends with her, but really?
Is it worth ruining friendships over? I really don't think so.
So stop fucking assuming shit, and acting like your in the loop,
'Cause your not. And chances are you DON'T have a clue about what's going on.

Yes, I do see that I'm hurting her. Thank you for constantly reminding me.
Yeah, I do feel like shit. About everything. Every day. Thanks for the reminder.
No, I never was fucking leading her on. Your not in my head, don't pretend to be.
Yes, I still care about her. As I said though, it's complicated. Fuck off.
And no guy's, I'm not a whore. What the fuck.

I'll never understand why people can't leave something like this alone.
I know your her friend and that you care about her,
But your opinion is not necessary. Let the people involved deal with this.
Drama, drama, drama.

Fuck off.

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