Monday, October 13, 2008

Fruit cake.

So I've been relatively busy these past few days staying up really late at night and reading.
I've mostly been reading fan-fiction, but quite a few fiction stories as well.
I've also been updating my DA (finally), and upon doing so I've also been searching the site and favoriting things.
Upon my searching I've discovered 2 things that I kind of really want to do, one day.
The first is kind of creepy, but actually really neat. This one DA member creates models of dead animals he found and dissected(road kill). After finding salvageable parts that he combines to create an interesting piece, he poses it with nylon wires and super glue then boils it in diluted caustic soda and injects the rest with formaldehyde. Then he dries it under a lamp.
It sounds really, really creepy but it actually looks pretty cool.

Click here for the actual piece!

Haha, now the other thing I want to take up is a lot less creepy, well maybe more creepy for some people, but I want to get a set of doll parts from the internet and doll paint and make dolls. They look so beautiful, and they're positionable!
I'm not exsactly sure where I'd purchase the stuff I need to make one (the body, paint etc.) But I think I could really make some awesome ones.
Here's a few pictures for you ^____^

Clicky clicky!

Much love<3

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