Monday, August 24, 2009

Tarnished sunset.

So I really am not enjoying all the negativity that seems to be aimed towards me currently.
I really don't appreciate how someone in particular is stressing me out by pressuring me to give them most of my attention & then complaining about how they feel that I'm not the same person & all this bullshit, just because I'm not with them.
I really don't need to be stressed out over nothing, I said before I needed time to figure out my life, and currently I'm not interested in a relationship.
It seems like everyone I meet end up doing something like this. It's fucked up.

I'm moving out on the 1st of September, and I'm so busy and not ready! But I'll manage. I'm just worried about paying people back and getting on my feet and such. I'm trying to stay positive and remain calm, but I have doubts, you know?
I want to be mostly stress free, I'm so tired of dealing with bullshit in almost every aspect of my life, it really puts a damper on my moods & how I feel.
I just need to focus on myself, and no one else until I've got shit sorted out.
Some people understand this, others are just being stubborn. It's irritating.

-Deep breath- Okay, so, basically that's my rant for today.
I'm going to go take a bath, and relax, and just try and figure out how this is all going to work.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Craniofacial osseointegration and maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation unit.

This has got to be my most random blog title, EVER.
It's badass. :D

Anyways, I've been quite the busy bee lately.
I've been starting to feel better emotionally,
but I'm still on a bit of a rocky pathway.

I'll be moving out of here in September, getting another job, Going back to school.
You know, the works. I'm excited.
Other than that though, I'm trying to remain positive & keep the stress and negativity away!
So much is rushing at me, and I'm just barely keeping up, but it's exhilirating!
I think I'm going to do okay, for real.

I always feel better after I write in my journals.