Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And the plot thickens..

You know when things suddenly figure out some more of the puzzle... and what you find makes you realize things are so much more fucked up than you at first thought?
Yeah. That just happened.


We are the tangled, floating in a dark dystopia; luminescence is of cardinal significance.

When one door closes, another door is inevitably opened in it's place.
I feel as of late, or at least I thought so, that several doors have opened and then closed. But the doors that have inevitably opened in their places, have also slammed shut.
I feel vindicated, yet obsolete. Are my efforts dust in end? Swept carelessly to the wayside..?
I do not want to surrender to the thought that I was right all along to be cautious. I want so badly to believe that I've judged this situation wrongly. Yet sadly it appears otherwise.
I've expressed to you all that I can, it is not enough. It is a bittersweet tragedy.

Today is a day to make something beautiful in terms of art. I want to purge how I'm feeling about this.