Monday, June 11, 2007


I remember on Saturday, you told me:
``Your strong, remember that, where has that strength gone?``
I remember saying that I was never strong enough.
Your reply was:
``Yes, you are. Your a beautiful girl, intelligent,
You can do it, don`t let him get you down, he`s not worth it.
You`ll get through this, I know you can.``
I`d like to believe that I will, I probably will,
but things won`t ever be he same, emotional wise, for me.
I just got over someone, only to fall over a guy who feels nothing for me.
A guy who could care less if I stopped existing.
It hurts.
Me and this boy, whom now seems to hate me, got really close at first,
we shared alot, and thus, he earned my trust pretty fast.
He`s alot like myself, so we understood each other.
Now though, he just pushed me away, found someone better.
I wish this hadn`t happened.
But I suppose I can`t control alot of what goes on.
I want to remain friends, possibly more one day.
But as I said, things don`t alwyas happen how you`d like them to.
This really hurts.
Losing him as a possibly boyfriend hurt alot,
losing him as a friend is just torture.
This wasn`t suppose to happen, I don`t want this to happen.
You make me really happy.

I wish everyone who I cared about, wouldn`t leave.
You promised you wouldn`t.
And I trusted you.
Now I`m stuck here, stranded, in the darkness.

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