Friday, November 30, 2007

ANGER & excitement.

So, for the excitement first, shall we?
I bought lot's of new clothes from Hottopic & Lip-service today,
It was fairly exciting.
I can't wait until I get the order in, It should arrive around Thursday/Friday.
It's going to be epic, I hope it all fits properly. <333

Now, for the anger.
It's one thing to have big opinions on a matter, but it's a totally different thing to shove what you think others should be like, and not let them defend themselves.
People with opinions such as yours, disgust me.
What I'm talking about is harassing other people for being Bisexual, because we 'can't make up our minds'.
What the fuck is with that?
It's a choice, so what if we like both sexes? Maybe we pick personality over gender.
And saying that were dirty for doing so, is so redundant.
You accept Gay's, dyke's & straight people,
but anyone open-minded is shunned?
What if a person is straight, but thinks she might be a lesbian?
Then she's open-minded, so you hate her?
What if she turns out to be a lesbian?
Then you accept her again?
Buddy, your FUCKED in the head.
I understand everyone's entitled to their own opinions,
but there IS a difference between feeling strongly for something,
and harassing people that involve the thing you feel strongly for.
Your so up and about 'the freedom to say what you want', but when I do,
I apparently don't have the right to, and should just die?
That's a wonderfully mature way of handling things indeed, your going to be come a great man, I'm sure.
And by the way, comparing Bisexuals to killers and criminals, nice one!
I don't think I need to inform you how handicapped that defense was.
I understand that as of the recent years, quite a few teenagers have taken up bisexuality as a trend. And I think that is ONE THING that we both agree is fucking stupid. It's a life choice, and it's how you feel.
Were aware that were not fully accepted everywhere, and it's not easy-peasy.
But you know what? were lucky were accepted here. And you should be to.
I hope that one day, you face discrimination against something that you are, something that everyone else thinks is wrong.
I hope that you understand one day, that this is wrong.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Refreshed, sorta.

Today feels like a good day to do things.
Now, I just have to wake up early enough.
-is excited-
My birthday is in 3 days.
I get a bunch of new clothes.

So yes, all is well.

Toodles, for now

Thursday, November 22, 2007


You know when you want to do something, but you don't know what,
And you mind is all like:
GFHtrh^$#@&jri,.;'[]posFDSGhj946y . . . WTF.
That's kinda where I'm at now.

klustrfkrd. o_O


I need sleeeep

Sunday, November 18, 2007



I believe, I might have just got a job.




I feel like I'm failing at life,
and it's definitely not a feeling I was hoping would happen.
I feel like I've thrown my whole life away for such stupid reasons.
Like I can't keep up or fix things with myself.
Like I'm running out of time.
I don't believe I like this very much.
But I know I can fix things.
If only, I had more ambition,

Then this wouldn't be happening.
At least, most of it wouldn't be happening.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I don't know how I feel right now,
All I do know, is that I have a headache.
And I'm tired.

I'm going to post more tomorrow,
when my brain is working.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hearts ^_^

I'm fixing some stuff.
Were fixing it.
We will get better, I promise.
I want us to work, cutie

Your still very special to me.
You always have been.
Even though we fight so much.

Whispers in the dreamscape.

I am a fucking imaginative person.
And I do not like a certain persons headstrong logic.
It pisses me off that you can't let shit go.
Fucking leave it alone, instead of being a stubborn asshole.

This is chaotic.
My life is in an utter spontaneous uncontrolled spiral downwards,
And the one person, who's suppose to make me feel better,
Is hurting me.
The other person, who means so much to me,
Doesn't even understand me.
It's frustrating, dealing with this, alone.
And some may say, "You are never alone."
Fuck that.
Everyone who I've tried to get help from, has let me down.
And don't fucking say you haven't because, you have.
Though it may only be because you have yet to have realized how unhappy I've become.
How isolated I've been keeping myself, and many of you think it's one big fucking joke.
Well it's not.
I need some support.
Something that I can brace my mind on.
I don't even have family to do that with.
I don't have friends I can fully rely on.
I'm in a dysfunctional battlefield. Waging a war against myself now.
Theres too much making me wonder, if I'll be alright in the end of this.
If I can be the same person, when every thing's said and done.