Thursday, February 21, 2008

Busy bee.

So here I am thinking, why have a Livejournal,
when I can just post everything from there, into a private little blog on here?
so I created a new private blog called: "Bizarre Identity."
I'm thinking about in the future letting some of my closer friends read it,
Possibly. Lot's of personal stuff shoved in there. Haha =]

Anyways, on to the topic of my actual semi-personal life.
I've been feeling kind of alone. Not necessarily "I miss someone" kind of alone.
Just, seperated?
It's difficult to put into words.
I don't know what exactly I'm getting at either really.
I suppose I'm just writing out my thoughts, because it's the "good" thing to do.
You know, vent and such.

I'm eating Doritos right now,
and they're burning the gash/cut thing I have in my mouth.

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