Monday, February 11, 2008

Iris - goo goo dolls

Sorry for the song title thing.
I can't stop thinking of that song and listening to it.
It reminds me of so much, and envokes such a strong feeling.
It's hard to describe in a blog.

I haven't been doing to well emotionally,
I've been thinking about a lot recently.
I mean, I've seen both sides of the spectrum,
emotionally, mentally, physically.
(as in emotionally distraught, mentally broken, physically too sick to function(like constant hospitalization.))
Anyways, what I'm getting at is, I've been reviewing the way I react and stuff to
things, and I've been doing a lot of self reflecting.
Which is what most are doing right now, and though it sounds weird, I'm getting really moody.
Not really paranoid though most would think, but I mean, I just think that most people I talk to see to be so caught up in their "problems".
Which aren't vert bad in all actuality.
I'm not saying mine are worse, no I'm not.
I just mean it seems like a lot of people are stressing over little things, and don't have much to actually stress over.
I don't know I mean I understand every human being has different ways of handling things and has a different way of accepting things, and one thing to one person may be more traumatic than to another. But still.
I think what I'm getting at is, I try and talk about some stuff that's bothering me,
but whenever I do all I get as a response is:
"Ya I know, that's what's going on with me too."
"That sucks, today this person did this and I feel _____."
"That's what it's like for me, I've been there."
And maybe they have, but that's not what we're talking about.
or they give me some shitty advice or whatever, when I don't even want or need advice.
Maybe I just wanted someone to talk to.
I mean, I'm smart enough to know what not to do, I don't need someone telling me so.
Blah blah blah.
And I just feel like it's unfair, because most don't listen to what I'm trying to get across.
They don't realize I'm not adressing Their problems.
I just want to talk about mine for a bit sometimes, instead of theirs.
I guess that's just difficult with some people.

Whatever, i'll jsut keep everything bottled up, like I usually do.
I get through life pretty well like that.
Plus you don't need to worry about who's telling who what.
It's a win win situation, minus that fact the toll it takes on your mind.

I think I need a change from current situations.
I don't like what I've become and what's going on currently.
I'm having impulses I don't like.
And I'm so worried that this year, will be like a repeat of last year.
I need to find myself. And fix myself.

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