Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have such a bad headache.
I've been in such a nostalgic mood lately, it's sort of depressing.

Life's being all complicated, again.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Double sided paranoia.

I wrote a rather enlightening statement earlier,
and was in a great mood.
And now I feel super shitty, like I cause all these problems.

So I'll just pretend it doesn't bother me.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sleep sleep, what a gloomy evening.

I feel sort of tired, and kind of hungry.
I got my tongue pierced about a week ago.
I keep forgetting to post in this.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I feel really fucking horrible.
And really fucking sick.

I just don't have an immediate emotion for this.
Anxiety attacks really suck.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

What a good day sir.

I updated my DevArt again after getting back from exploring near my house.
I'm pretty happy with the photo's I got. =D

Tomorrow We're going back out to that spot.


I feel ouchie.
I'm going to go back to the doctor.
Ugh. Not today though, but soon.

I took a few pictures today, and updated my DeviantArt. I'm really liking how my gallery is looking on there. <3
I wanna keep taking pictures. I may go have a shower so I can walk around and look for something to photograph.
I think tomorrow I may go to an industrial area and photograph there. Like Northside or something. =D

So stoked.

Symphonic glitch?

I woke up this afternoon, and felt pretty shitty.
I still do, but meh.
I'm not sue to waking up so late, I stayed up pretty late.
I like waking up earlier.
I hope I didn't fuck up my sleeping schedule.

I've been thinking, maybe I should get a job..?
I don't know.
Today we're picking up another splint, perhaps.

I kind of want to take more pictures today, I think I might.

I'm hungry. o__O

Friday, May 2, 2008

Do your mouth words not fall out properly?

I'm feeling really iicky today.
Maybe because I need a shower, maybe because I have lot's of plans to figure and work out.
Maybe because I'm slightly stressed out from family oriented problems.
uugh. =[

My wrist hurts a whole bunch, along with my arm. -sigh-
My breathing is acting up, and I still need to get a splint and Robaxacet today.
My ribs and the muscles just under the ribs hurt a whole bunch. Dumb Pneumonia.
And I have a slight headache, other than that though.

So, no plans as of yet for today (I think, I may be wrong, I think I made some.)
Tomorrow, Mindi's party.
Sunday, Hangout with Mandy.

Mindi leaves next Wednesday, and as for plans next week, I know I've made some..
I just can't remember. x___X

I think everyone should go to this blog:
Click here

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Your under the weather, miss.

So I just got back from my doctors appointment.
And it's not so good news.
I have Carpal tunnel and really bad Tendinitis in my left wrist.
I might need to get an operation soon. =[
Also I need to do a follow up at the hospital, to check how my ovary is doing.
It hurts too.
And I have this other milder condition, the effects where my upper ribs connect with my breast bone.
But I can't remember the name of it, but it's not so bad.
Other than all that though, I refilled my asthma medication prescription, and I'm getting some Robaxacet for my muscles below my ribs, since they're really sore from when I had pneumonia. Which by the way, the pneumonia is almost gone! =D

I'm all broken. It sucks.

Paranoid silence.

My insides feel like they don't have room near my ribcage.
It's really uncomfortable and kind of hurts.
Good thing I'm going to the doctor today.
I hope nothing is too wrong. Ouchie.

So I set my alarm for 11:05am today, expecting I'd sleep late and need it,
but conveniently I woke up at 7:30am. I really enjoy waking up early to start my day.
It just makes me feel so refreshed to do all this shit, and look at the clock and be
like: "Hey, I rock. I finished allthat before noon." =D

My cat likes JPOP & JROCK. Lmao ^___^
He's so cute. <3

Maybe I'll take some more photo's today. =]