Friday, November 28, 2008

Anger faded, sleep evaded.

I was quite angry earlier, but now I'm feeling better.
I'm going to try to not let stupid thigns bother me anymore, I'm far too stressed out.

Today is going to be good, and I don't want to let anything mess it up.
I'm going to have a good day, I have good plans.
I'm going to relax and enjoy myself.

Bubble tea, here I come. :D

Thursday, November 27, 2008

-smacks head into wall-

My head hurts a whole bunch.
And it won't stop, ugh.

I need to go to sleep soon, so I can be awake and ready to go to the play later.
I hope I don't have a headache later too. :(

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sing to me another love song..

So I wish that it was warmer and sunnier outside.
That would be awesome.
I need to do laundry & clean, but I'm lazy right now.
Tomorrow I've got a play to go to, I'm stoked.
Oh and there IS going to be a new years rave! Now I just need to get another ID..

That was a terribly put together paragraph.

Brain ache..

My headaches seem to be returning, how wonderful.
This past weekend was.. interesting, and fun.
Minus the throwing up blood & painful intestinal cramping and such.
-ha ha-
I'm feeling a bit better though, not in quite as much pain.
And I can lay on my side!
So I suppose I'm not doing too too terribly.

My birthday is quickly approaching, and currently I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to be doing, considering it's a Tuesday this year.
Hm, though I do have a vague idea of what I want.
Kind of.

Other than that, I suppoose I don't have anything else to really write about.. I slept most of the day away today so..
I guess I'll see what tomorrow has in-store for me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fuze drinks are tasty.

I'm in quite a bit of pain at the moment.
Every time I move to the right my insides scream.
My joints have been acting up a bit as well, I've noticed my right hip has started hurting again, and I noticed my left knee was hurting last weekend.
I know I should talk to my doctor about it, but honestly I just can get up the will to.
I'm very un-satisfied with doctors telling my they aren't sure what's wrong, and conducting tests to figure things out, putting me on medication that doesn't work, and giving me improper diagnosis's.
It's frustrating.
I know I'll end up going back though, when the pain is either frequent enough or I'm sick enough.

I haven't anything to really share that's interesting, other than the fact of some random light that most people saw as far as Saskatchewan.
I think it would be interesting if it was indeed a UFO, but whatever.
Great time to invade, huh?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Warped thoughts.

Ugh, I have a little bit to write today, I suppose.
I read articles on a lot, usually when I'm on my other computer since it's my home page and all, and this one caught my attention:

- Clicky clicky -

Diesel vehicles aren't used mainly in the USA or Canada, which is stupid. But with the way the countries are set up, I'm not suprised. All the oil plants wouldn't want that to happen, huh?

"Diesel vehicles now hitting the market with pollution-fighting technology are as clean as, or even cleaner than, gasoline-powered cars, and they are at least 30% more fuel-efficient."

Well, as for myself I'm feeling a bit better I suppose.

Dreaming differently won't change reality.

So I've been in quite a strange slump lately.
I haven't really been doing anything with my life, and my health isn't so well right now.
My intestines hurt more frequently, but not quite like they did before, and my headaches finally are subsiding more.
But my current major ailement isn't letting up.
My eyes seem to be slowly healing but now healing quite fast enough, and the dull throbbing wet pain that accompaines the healing process is less than inviting.
I can barely see, and it's driving me crazy.
This and the lack of overall good health hasn't exactly tempted me to go on the internet, thus losing touch with people.
I want to hangout with people, and catch up and have fun, but my body and mind have been suggesting otherwise.

With my health feeling like it's deteriorating once more, and my mind feeling blank, I've been just a bundle of stress.
And certain things due to family and such issues have really been setting me off.
I'm worried that the end of this year will be quite like the end of last year.

Ugh. I wish I felt better.
I'm sorry everyone for letting you down.

- - - - - - - -
Lost up in the skies,
Caught in a dream.

What you whisper to me,
And breathe into my veins.

And it feels like today..
So just hold on tight;
And let it slip away.

- - - - - - - -

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I'm feeling too many negative emotions at this very moment.
I'm so mad at some people, and so bloody fucking irritated at others.
And then, I'm sorta sad and blaha at the same time.

I think I need to relax and get the fuck off the computer.

On an unfortunate note, my eyes are all fucked up because I got hairdye in them.
And I'm sick.