Friday, March 27, 2009

This is wonderful.


My heart is a purple eggplant .
It sits deep and dark ,
Pulsating like a dream you can hold in your hand .
Smooth, warm, and whispering;
Look deep enough and you can see.
My blood is streaked with ribbons of lime and patchouli,
And the purest black ink.
And if you look even deeper;
When the sun hits me in just the right way . . .
I am completely transparent,
And devoid of all that is tangible and able to be contained;
For that moment.
Even if you can't hold me,
I can hold you.
A heartbeat later I am whole and solid,
My thoughts now opaque.
Already the memory is only wisps of song,
Kissing my ears and encircling my head..

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So many thoughts are whirling in my brain currently.
Emotions are overtaking my heart.
Everything feels like its slowly caving in once more,
and It's like I'm suffocating on carbon dioxide.
I don't know what to think about the people I love.
Nothing is working out,
and it feels like everything is just barely holding on.

I'm nauseated, but not only from my sickness.
This is terrible.