Friday, March 27, 2009

This is wonderful.


My heart is a purple eggplant .
It sits deep and dark ,
Pulsating like a dream you can hold in your hand .
Smooth, warm, and whispering;
Look deep enough and you can see.
My blood is streaked with ribbons of lime and patchouli,
And the purest black ink.
And if you look even deeper;
When the sun hits me in just the right way . . .
I am completely transparent,
And devoid of all that is tangible and able to be contained;
For that moment.
Even if you can't hold me,
I can hold you.
A heartbeat later I am whole and solid,
My thoughts now opaque.
Already the memory is only wisps of song,
Kissing my ears and encircling my head..

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