Thursday, October 8, 2009


Things are completely and delightfully dishevelled in my life.
I just don't want to care anymore about all this monotonous bullshit.
It's easier to disassociate from most things, and just not care.
Everything is just too repetitive, and I've really been trying to just make things more realistic and exciting. I want to show myself that things can be good, even for just a moment, so I can keep pressing on.
I've started doing a bunch of completely different things, and taking up different hobbies, busying myself more so and more so. I want to fill up this extra time with lots of different things, and I just want to.. learn. About anything and everything.
I want to find out how to stay happy. And I'm starting to slowly get an idea. A clear, substance-free, wonderful perspective.
I hope I can keep up with this stuff. But one thing I've majorly noticed, being out of a home with stress has really helped me be more 'grounded' so to speak. I feel more relaxed about some things. And I'm starting to learn about true freedom; and what it feels like.

So I've obtained a temporary job. Finally.
I'm a part-time nanny for children.
Not my first choice, but I need money.
And other than that I'm working on some leather sewing projects that are fantastically steampunk.
I think that's going to be my new thing, sadly though, it seems it's going to be every one's new thing. =[
And this coming weekend I might potentially go spelunking. Which is going to be freaking COLD if I do. Apparently the cave is really neat, located just outside of Nordegg. If I end up gathering some money's I might go. It sounds nifty.
I've also taken up D&D again! We were playing 2nd edition, but I think were going to do 4th edition instead, since it's more fast-paced.

Basically, I've got some moderately intriguing things to busy myself with.
So I guess other than my relations with family & lovers things are looking up a bit.
Hooray for semi-balance.

1 comment:

Pixie Vixen said...

wow... i couldn't have said any of this better myself. i really admire your grasp of self and your drive to move through it all... love it.