Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Paralytic dreaming.

I feel that when I'm not writing, I'm just some disposable teen.
I'm catagorized as useless, with no valid thoughts or opinions.
People don't think. They create opinions and make judgement calls in mere seconds.
Like today at work.
Now let's segway, I almost amputated my right fingers at work today!
I work in a grocery store, and I was moving the metal plate on the bottom of the cooler because I bent it by standing on it..
So I took off the plate, and noticed the immediate air flow.
I looked for fans and couldn't see any so I started bending the grating back.
Just as I finished and was putting the plate back by interlocking it with the one beside it, I suddenly realized that their were fans. Metal SHARP fans.
About a centimetre away from my fingers.
I was horrified, but luckily nothing happened.
Note to self: Today was scary. Never repeat.

A man dumps the body of a girl in a ditch. The body rotts; Melts into slime. Flowers pop up where the body lies, seeds fly out of the flowers, and a bee sucks the flowers and makes honey. And then the family of the girl buys the honey from the store. And the family eats the girl.

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