Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Change is probably the one thing I find most difficult to adjust to.
Serious, drastic, change I mean.
At this point in my life, everyday is like a roller coaster of twisting events and whirling emotions. I know that I need to move forward, push through; yet I feel my energy dissipating.
I am not made of stone; yet I remain motionless. As if I am. Not emotionless, though.
I know what I need, and it isn't this frozen concrete jungle.
I'm scared. Admitting this is actually quite intense for me. I try to hold it all together in every situation. This time... I can feel the weight. Cracks are forming.
I want more than anything for my life to be heading in the direction I imagined it a year ago. Everything is just so different now.

Please hold me. I feel weak.

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