Thursday, July 17, 2014

Wrapped up, let loose, then disguised- We are chatoyant.

2013 was a very eye-opening year for me. A lot things transpired that I never thought would. Some good, others not so good. Ultimately I've learned from my mistakes, and grown from my experiences. Now with that said, I really didn't think that my first post of 2014 would be so glum, but I feel that it needs to be said.

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I got offended that someone I've grown close to took such an agressive approach to my idea of travelling. Actually it's just the simple idea of travelling at all. You are completely against even trying it, and couldn't simply be bothered to even be like: "Hey, I don't really like that." or "Perhaps that isn't somethingI'd enjoy." Instead you swore every second word, made it sound like going to any place without a major technologically advanced city is awful- that all it had to offer was homeless people. This is the most ignorant response I think that I've ever gotten from someone when I mentioned travelling. Culture, especially multiculure, has so much to offer. Living in Canada I've grown up around people of all cultural backgrounds, and some of the stories and pictures I've been exposed to have really shaped my adventurous ideals. The lure of going somewhre foreign is strong, and I won't base my travel-bug on whether or not I can sleep in a 5 star hotel. I think that the sweetest and most rewarding types of adventures come from feeling vulnerable and doing something that puts you out of your comfort zone. After spending time traveling from town to town, city to city, and just plain hiking around in wilderness, each experience has taught me very different life lessons that I honestly don't believe I'd have learned as early as I have- or perhaps ever. Though I'm not positive that I'd want to lead a completely nomadic lifestyle for my whole existence, bouncing bck and forth in & out of one has really helped shape my views as a more stable happier me. In turn from my experiences I feel far more connected to the human race in general. I never really kept the same best friend growing up, and often times it feels as though my close relationships grow apart. The universal together-ness that I've experienced through wandering has really taught me a lot about what it means to feel generous, loved, and ultimately enriched. Therefore, I cannot understand such a negative perspective to wanting to even experience the basic type of exploring. I feel at a loss for beginning to explain the wonders of this kind of journey. I know it is not my place to convince, but knowing that some people are just so against it for such selfish and completely irrational & wrongfully preconceived reasons. And this makes me sad. It's the kind of lackluster, bleakness. I am sad for them & all of the probably life-changing experiences that they are so easily ready to forfeit. Be adventurous. Spontaneous. Allow yourself to love and be loved, in all ways. Not just with a partner, lover, friend. But find the universal love that is simple and it does exist. People that have the least are often able to give you the most.

Engage in the adventure.

To be honest, it's moments like these that I miss a certain someone else.


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