Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I'm so fucking mad right now.
I want t scream and kill something.
Somethings really wrong with me, honestly.
Their must be something I've missed when I've analyzed my behavior,
analyzed how everything is going.
Because it doesn't make sense.
I'm becoming an angry person once more,
because of my parents.
And I don't want to be angry.
Not anymore.
I haven't done any drugs either in quite a while,
Yet I keep buying them and storing them.
I don't feel the need to do any sort of inebriation.
I hate reality, but I need to face it, pushing it away makes things worse,
Oh so much worse.
SoI'm stuck here too, quite literally.
I got a kitten, and now my mom is using it as an excuse to keep me trapped at home.
I love my kitterz and all, but I can't stand my parents.
I need somewhere I vcan just go and be myself.
Someones place, I can't just stay outside.
Fuck that.
I'll get really sick again, as I already have again now.
not to complain or anything, but the stress level is getting rather maxed out.
And filling it up more is just going to make me angry.
I'm always angry now.
It;s like before but worse, because I can barely control it now,
and I don't know why.
I need something new to vent all my anger.
Things that I did before aren't working anymore.
The school year is fast approaching and I'm fucked.
I'm not ready to start studying and doing all that shit again.
I still need to fix my life and get everything sorted and contained,
Figure everything out.
Very few things make me happy right now.
And those that do, I'm not too sure how long they'll be able to make me happy.
Everything's constantly changing and disappearing.
It's a whole lotta fucked up.
And my parents just don't get it.
They just don't understand the kind of trauma and psychological strain they're causing.
They're fucking me up more, just when things were getting better, if they were.
and they're making me so angry and so upset, I just don't know what to do about it.
I'm probably going to need some sort of therapy after this.
Fuck that though.
I think my head might explode and I might go crazy,
just kill everyone and everybody or something like that.
I can't take all this crap right now.
And yet I still am.

Fuck I'm tightly strung.

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