Monday, October 27, 2008

Quite quaint, really.

So I've updated my deviantArt once again, With pudding being a cute fuzz-bucket.

I've mostly just been lazing about, taking some pictures. Halloween is on it's way quite quickly, and I've got the perfect idea for Kira. <3

Well, I'm off to update my deviantArt once more, and go back into the world of Neopets.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Internet addiction & Presidential debates.

So I just finished reading an article about internet addiction.
And I can tell you right now, I laughed pretty hard.
The article goes over how most people have an internet addiction, and it enforces parents to restrict their children from the internet.
I mean, Tetris wasn't hurting anyone last time I checked.
I understand that some people get out of control playing WoW or online poker, but that doesn't mean everyone needs to go into "Internet Addiction Recovery."

Well, on another lively note..
McCain or Obama? I've noticed a lot of individuals have biased their opinions against Obama, simply because of his name.
Let me just say, I don't belive he's a terrorist. And people should seriosuly shut up and stop being racist.
I mean, Aside from the fact of his name (I mean is that what your going to let get to you?), he doesn't seem that bad.
Here's a site to educate yourself. Obama V.s McCain.

Damn people are stupid.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


So today / tonight was interesting, but at the same time nothing really happened.
I lazed around a bit, went on the computer, lazed around some more, attempted to wash my hair under the shower head (Which isn't removable), got ready, sat at home, fell asleep, was constantly being woken up, woke up, thought about eating food, solved some drama, thought about eating food, drew a picture, spilt pop, thought about getting a drink, played neopets, sat here, thought about making food, facebook, thought about making food, blogger.
Yeaaaah. LOL.

I think I'm going to go make some food.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

You don't get a title.

This day has been so terrible, minus a few parts.
And I fucking hate having a shitty day and coming home and fucking have these stupid little comments thrown at me.
What the fuck is your problem.
Calm the fuck down, stop always stressing me out.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Burrr >=[

Yesterday was windy and fucking cold outside.
I mean, it's only 1/2 way throug October and it's already freezing.
If it wasn't for the wind today though, it might have been a bit nicer, but who knows.
I've been cold since I've gotten back, and have a pretty ugly headache to boot.
Hmph. I hate the cold.

Other than being really cold yesterdy, I guess it was alright.
I got some interesting photo's and bubble tea. =)
Though when I fell asleep at like 5:00pm I had some pretty fucked up dreams.
Which leave me here, right now. Today. And I'm awake.
Yup. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today though. Probably upload said pictures, sleep, and lurk on facebook. If that all fails, I'll probably be playing neopets.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whoo. ;P

I've been up all night downloading online RPG's. Lol.
And thinking about potentially oneday re-newing my Final Fantasy XI subscription.
Eventually. XD
Oh, and I've compiled a list of things I need to buy, and stuff I want for my birthday/Christmas.
The list for my birthday/Christmas is pretty short:

IS Lens (Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens)
Money for Piercings/Tattoo's
New clothes (From Hot-topic/Lip-service etc.)
Windows Live One care (2009 subscription)
Hair dye / Hair cut (lol, I'm lame)
Art supplies.

XD My lists are always weird for this kind of stuff,
At least I have a list this year. I didn't last year. Heh.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fruit cake.

So I've been relatively busy these past few days staying up really late at night and reading.
I've mostly been reading fan-fiction, but quite a few fiction stories as well.
I've also been updating my DA (finally), and upon doing so I've also been searching the site and favoriting things.
Upon my searching I've discovered 2 things that I kind of really want to do, one day.
The first is kind of creepy, but actually really neat. This one DA member creates models of dead animals he found and dissected(road kill). After finding salvageable parts that he combines to create an interesting piece, he poses it with nylon wires and super glue then boils it in diluted caustic soda and injects the rest with formaldehyde. Then he dries it under a lamp.
It sounds really, really creepy but it actually looks pretty cool.

Click here for the actual piece!

Haha, now the other thing I want to take up is a lot less creepy, well maybe more creepy for some people, but I want to get a set of doll parts from the internet and doll paint and make dolls. They look so beautiful, and they're positionable!
I'm not exsactly sure where I'd purchase the stuff I need to make one (the body, paint etc.) But I think I could really make some awesome ones.
Here's a few pictures for you ^____^

Clicky clicky!

Much love<3

Friday, October 10, 2008


So I've been busy reading some fiction on the computer,
and this one story I read was pretty good.
But then it took a whole huge turn for the worse,
And made me feel like throwing up.
The main character got his eyes carved out in a prison bathroom,
because he was trying to apololigize for getting raped to his "boyfriend" at the time.
I finished reading the story, but I wasn't able to shake the disturbing imagery.
It really grossed me out, when the writer described how the character was feeling and such.

Now I have an upset tummy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I feel like doing something creative today,
but I've been pulled out of my slump by a friend.
And now, I've got to get ready to be picked up.
Everytime I try to update my DA currently something comes up.
It seems I'm not aloud to be lazy.

I'll bring some writing supplies.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My cat has a stubborn, devoted personality.
He spends hours looking into a fishtank for out one fish, a bottomfeed, that you NEVER really see.
Yet he looks for it, unflinchingly, for hours.
He has a "mate", our other female cat, whom he produced kittens with.
Her looks out for her, and takes care of her, though she's so stubborn and full of pride she usually doens't let him.
Yet he still does anyways, loving her from a distance.
And when she falls asleep, he curls into her, sleeping as well, protecting her.
My cat is stubborn and very devoted.
I guess I sort of admire him, In a weird fucked up way.

Then again, It could just be a cat thing I'm over analyzing.
But then again, I am a crazy cat lady. I guess it works.

I've been really keeping to myself unless people come over and bother me.
I've been caught in a bit of a slump, but even when people come to bug me I haven't really voiced what's been bothering me.
I think my thoughts haunt me too much, past things and events really get to me.
And they've kinda caused me to withdraw.
I guess I'm just stuck in the past.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Brain static.

I just wrote such an epic piece of writing.
I feel accomplished, and I feel naked.
Stipped, but good?

Maybe this was some sort of way of therapy. .

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I has no title.

So much has happened in the last few days since I've blogged last.
I've been really drained lately, and not in the best of moods.
I'm hoping things will clear up soonish and get better.
It's almost my birthday, and this time of year hasn't ever really been that great over the past few.